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Norbert Pousseur,

The author walking - © Norbert Pousseur 
                    The author in ballad

Contact : visites-npousseur@netc.eu


Brief biography

Born in 1943 in Belgium, childhood in Haute-Savoie, secondary studies in Switzerland, as well as professional studies (school of photography in Vevey).

In turn : Assistant to Samivel (writer and filmmaker), photo teacher in Geneva, responsible for the photo-cinema section of the Institute of Agricultural Technology in Mostaganem (Algeria), photo craftsman in Provence, photo expert for the creation of a TV training studio in Casablanca (Morocco),

Then various positions at the INA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel):
Responsible for educational productions, responsible for archive payments, project manager of the computer applications of the Archives, project manager of the national and regional TV and Radio inventories before digitization...

After 30 years at INA, retirement in 2008, and currently in charge of the Photo FOTOVAR festival,
in the Var, in Provence.

My websites
In 2004 I decided to publish my photos on the Internet. So I created three websites, each one covering a different objective:


  • One is composed essentially of biographies - first through the street name plaques, having always wondered - But who is it? - Then quickly through the statuary and the reproduction of engravings of illustrious characters or relating to the old costumes... - This is the site reached via the term Characters in the menu above, which leads to the address traces-h.net, for Traces humaines.
  • A second one (the one on which is this page), so this site which has for name visites-p.net, for Photographic visits and which publishes the photos taken of various Places (term of access on the menus of the 2 other sites).
    It is enriched by a very important iconography, engravings of cities and geographical maps of the 19th century, iconography coming from my own geographical library, that I constituted for this purpose.
  • Finally, the third site was first dedicated to the main themes that interested me: graph'murs, carnivals, theater, crosses, old cars... Then I rather made mini-series, accompanied by short texts and historical references. This is the section named Themes in the menu above, for the site incertitudes-photographiques.net, whose title translates well my position regarding my own contribution to the photographic world.

These sites having been created in 2004, at the time of modems and 54 Kb bandwidths..., many of the published pictures are in small format so that they don't take too long to load. Of course, as I write these lines, in 2023, the average bandwidth in France is around 1,5 Mb/s in the provinces (that's my case) and much more with the fiber. The format I'm aiming at now is full screen on tablets and some of the old sections are already included.

To find out about the conditions of use of the photos, engravings or texts published,
see the rules of use page for the three sites


To contact me, or report a problem, suggest a correction, ..,
or because you are interested in one of the pictures or reproduction,
please send an email to

Note : This page is translated into several languages, but my sites are not multilingual in themselves. Initially in French, certain pages are translated into the language of the country concerned by their content (via the Deepl translator) so that they are accessible to their inhabitants.

Notice updated in 2024


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